Friday, November 30, 2007

Where is the Hill Cumorah???

I have a question? Where is the Hill Cumorah? Most of the Church would say that it is in the New York area but there is a movement in the Church, especially by a BYU Professor by the name of Joseph L. Allen, Phd who thinks that the Hill Cumorah is in Mesoamerica in the Central America area. In his book, "Sacred Sites," 'Searcing for Book of Mormon Lands,'

on page 77, he says, "I believe that the Hill Cumorah where Mormon deposited "all the records" is different from the hill
where Joseph Smith retrieved the plates that Moroni had "hid up in the earth." In my opinion, the only place where the
Hill Cumorah of the Book of Mormon cannot be is in New York ..."

I will post later some convincing evidence that he is wrong. By-the-way He owns LDS Travel and I have a flier that says that a single individuall cost to go to Central America is, $2995 plus air (per person, double occupancy). This flier was given to me with the departure date of July 11 - July 25, 2003. It was a 15 day tour and it could possibly be much more now as of November 30, 2007. It was entitled, 'Bood of Mormon - Nephi To Cumorah Tour.' So you see he has a reason to promote this idea in dollars and cents.

Kay D. Jenkins

What President Joseph Fielding Smith said on this subject.

"It is known that the Hill Cumorah where the Nephites were destroyed is the hill where the Jaredites were also destroyed. This hill was known to the Jaredites as Rama. It was approximately near to the waters of Ripliancum, which the Book of Ether says, "by interpretation, is large, or to exceed all." Mormon adds: "And it came to pass that we did march forth to the land of Cumorah, and we did pitch our tents round about the hill Cumorah; and it was in a land of many waters, rivers, and fountains; and here we had hope to gain advantage over the Lamanites." "It must be conceded that this description fits perfectly the land of Cumorah in New York, as it has been known since the visitation of Moroni to the Prophet Joseph Smith, for the hill is in the proximity of the Great Lakes and also in the land of many rivers and fountains. Moreover, the Prophet Joseph Smith himself is on record, definitely declaring the present hill called Cumorah to be the exact hill spoken of in the Book of Mormon. "Further, the fact that all of his associates from the beginning down have spoken of it as the identical hill where Mormon and Moroni hid the records, must carry some weight. It is difficult for a reasonable person to believe that such men as Oliver Cowdery, Brigham Young, Parley P. Pratt, Orson Pratt, David Whitmer, and many others, could speak frequently of the Spot where the Prophet Joseph Smith obtained the plates as the Hill Cumorah, and not be corrected by the Prophet, if that were not the fact. That they did speak of this hill in the days of the Prophet in this definite manner is an established record of history...." (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation , Vol.3, Bookcraft, 1956, p.232-43.)

1 comment:

Kay D. Jenkins said...

President Marion G. Romney.

"In the western part of the state of New York near Palmyra is a prominent hill known as the “hill Cumorah.” On July twenty-fifth of this year, as I stood on the crest of that hill admiring with awe the breathtaking panorama which stretched out before me on every hand, my mind reverted to the events which occurred in that vicinity some twenty-five centuries ago—events which brought to an end the great Jaredite nation . [Editor's Note: About 20 short paragraphs later this speaker says the following] "This second civilization to which I refer, the Nephites , flourished in America between 600 B.C. and A.D. 400. Their civilization came to an end for the same reason, at the same place, and in the same manner as did the Jaredites’" (Talk given by President Marion G. Romney in General Conference, October 4, 1975, Ensign Nov. 1975 pg. 35)